Tuesday, October 5, 2010

things i learned over the weekend, ed. 2.

:: you will fall asleep if you watch general conference in bed ::

Though you will have every intention to watch all four sessions of General Conference (the semi-annual internationally televised broadcast from the leadership of your church), you will also be sleep-deprived from a week of late night Keeping Up With the Kardashians marathons. Unable to resist the lure of spending four daytime hours on a Saturday and a Sunday in bed, you will prop yourself up in bed, armed with Junior Mints and Peanut M&Ms, ready to watch Conference. ...You will instantly fall asleep at the beginning of every single session. But but! You may be sleepy, but you are also brilliant! Having anticipated the inevitable, you will have set your DVR to record a few of the sessions, and you can read/watch/listen to the others here. You will spend the next several days catching up on what you missed (because you really love the consistently uplifting, inspiring messages shared at General Conference), and you will reach the end of the week just as edified as everyone else, but with more sleep under your belt.

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