Monday, March 7, 2011


Today I purchased uncooked chicken breasts for the first time in my life.
I plan to do something with them at some point--I believe they call it "cooking" in some cultures. My skills in the kitchen don't really extend beyond microwaving, boiling, and kissing, so I'm a bit at a loss.

Spencer has instructed me that I must not store the chicken in its original packaging, but rather in plastic bags. Who knew? And apparently chicken will cook best if it is thawed to room temperature.
Feel free to leave other advice/recipes/taunts in the comments. My Ivy League education has obviously not prepared me for this.


  1. if you throw some soup over (any kind, seriously) it it'll always taste good.

    don't defrost it in the microwave!

  2. haha I love it Milan!

    Maybe just stick with what we know- hot dogs!
