Monday, April 2, 2012

[Roomies in Central Park.]

Somehow in the middle of our crazy roomie NYC weekend...between the Guggenheim and Columbia and Magnolia and the Village and Co. and WTC and penthouse suite table dancing and the Brooklyn Bridge and Jane and the Manhattan 8th Ward and Levain and Cafe Ronda...we managed to take a breath and enjoy the cherry blossoms on a lovely stroll through Central Park. 

Melissa, Lynn, Domineau, Cha Cha, Rachel, Jess, Ginette
As the resident New Yorker of the bunch, I got to be the mother duckling for the weekend, leading my little line of roommates up and down the city to visit my favorite places, and some new ones too. It was wonderful to spend last weekend with these girlies. There are a million of us...or seven, to be exact...and sometimes I feel like I live in a bizarre mix of a sorority, convent, and Bieber fan clubhouse, but I mostly just feel very lucky to live with such amazing souls. We've never all managed to be in the same place at the same time, so this weekend girls' trip was the perfect opportunity for a little roommate bonding.

Love you, roomies! 0!


  1. you were here this weekend?
    i went to the guggenheim for the first time as well on sat. lol, woulda been cool to bump into ya

  2. you look like you're conducting a song in the last picture, for some reason i'm imagining a rendition of maria and the von trapp children singing "that will bring us back to DOOHOHOHOHOH" and you all marching through the park to the beat. am i close?
