Thursday, July 28, 2011


Last week, while in Idaho for Chad's family reunion, we went on a day trip to Yellowstone. I was really glad for the opportunity to check Yellowstone off my life list, particularly Old Faithful, but Chad was somewhat more infatuated with the hot springs than I was. What can I say? I'm a city girl. Nature makes me sneeze, and I feel claustrophobic in the outdoors. I most enjoyed the time we spent driving through the park, rather than walking, but even I couldn't deny the beauty of the largely untouched landscape. I was hoping slash terrified that we'd see a bear, but we only encountered overgrown Bambi-like beasts (Chad says they're "elk"). Observe:

One of about 5,000 pictures I took of Old Faithful, for no particular reason as it turn out that pictures of water shooting up from the ground all look the same:

Apparently these hot springs can be like 100 feet deep and over 100 degrees in temperature, even the ones that are only a foot or two wide. Very colorful and pretty for such hostile little buggers.


1 comment:

  1. I feel bad admitting that I always found Yellowstone a bit...underwhelming. But the Tetons?! Zowie. I think they're breathtaking.

    PS--You look cute. And happy. :)
