Monday, November 21, 2011

[These ones.]

A collection of snapshots. Happy moments in NYC with the very best friends.


These ones knew me before I was me. These ones I can go a year without seeing and it doesn't matter. These ones remember my shy kindergarten self, my braces and glasses, my Grandma's name. These ones are beautiful, ambitious, caring, and kind.


These ones make me happy. These always root for my team and never judge. These ones have put roofs over my head. These ones are constant, loyal, and encouraging.


This one has been to hell and back with me. This one has been with me as we've lost and regained our minds, hearts, and souls. This one wears the matching silly hats with me, spends the all-nighters studying with me, and cries to the breakup music with me. This one is lovelier and smarter than anyone.

And I am the lucky one to count these ones as my bests. I'm mostly on my own here in D.C., especially now, so knowing that these people are just a few states away means everything to me these days. I love New York for a million reasons...the sights, tastes, sounds...but these people are the heartbeat of the city to me.


  1. so this made me emotional. its too early for hiding at my desk stray tears! love you lano

  2. much love! come back again soon. we miss you already.

    - dk
